The webhook payload for updating status directly. This webhook payload is triggered when there is a change in the status of a product. The status change can vary and includes updates such as "Inactive", "Active", and "Discontinued".

  "type": "product_status_update",
  "action_date": "2024-06-06 11:11:11 UTC-6:00",
  "payload": [
      "id": 14403,
      "sku": "SKU9999",
      "status": "Discontinued"

This webhook payload is used to directly update the pricing information, catering to different pricing standards such as MAP (Minimum Advertised Price), MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price), and UMRP (Unilateral Minimum Resale Price). The updates are dynamic and depend on the specific pricing attribute being modified.

MAP (Minimum advertised price)

  "type": "pricing_update",
  "action_date": "2024-06-06 11:11:11 UTC-6:00",
  "payload": [
      "id": 1245,
      "sku": "SKU99999",
      "map": "1299.00"

MSRP (Manufacturer’s suggested retail price)

  "type": "pricing_update",
  "action_date": "2024-06-06 11:11:11 UTC-6:00",
  "payload": [
      "id": 1245,
      "sku": "SKU9999",
      "msrp": "1899.00"

UMRP (Unilateral Minimum Resale Price)

  "type": "pricing_update",
  "action_date": "2024-06-06 11:11:11 UTC-6:00",
  "payload": [
      "id": 1245,
      "sku": "SKU9999",
      "umrp": "899.00"

This webhook payload is specifically designed for direct updates to the Lowest Competitive Price (LCP) of products. It enables real-time synchronization of pricing data across different retail platforms, ensuring that the most competitive pricing information is readily available.

  "type": "lcp_update",
  "action_date": "2024-06-06 11:11:11 UTC-6:00",
  "payload": [
      "id": 1245,
      "sku": "SKU9999",
      "lcp": "899",
      "lowes_price": "899.00",
      "lowes_last_scraped": "2024-06-06 10:10:10 UTC-6:00",
      "homedepot_price": "912.00",
      "homedepot_last_scraped": "2024-06-06 08:10:10 UTC-6:00",
      "bestbuy_price": "900.00",
      "bestbuy_last_scraped": "2024-06-06 08:10:10 UTC-6:00"

This webhook payload is designed for notifying newly published product data. It provides comprehensive information about the product, including descriptions, pricing, and multimedia content, to ensure that all relevant systems and platforms are updated with the latest product offerings.

  "type": "new_product",
  "action_date": "2024-06-19 02:12:57",
  "payload": [
      "product_id": 107335,
      "sku": "SKU9999",
      "link": "",
      "upc": null,
      "color": "Stainless Steel",
      "name": "60 1/4\" Stainless Steel Undercounter - SKU9999",
      "basic_description": "60 1/4\" Stainless Steel Undercounter - SKU9999",
      "long_description": null,
      "image": null,
      "brand": {
        "brand_id": 1,
        "brand_name": "AGA",
        "brand_slug": "aga",
        "brand_image": "/assets/brands/test.webp",
        "raw_brand_image": "/assets/brands/test.webp",
        "aws_background": "",
        "raw_aws_background": "/assets/brands/test.jpg"
      "status": "Discontinued",
      "price": {
        "map": null,
        "map_last_updated": null,
        "msrp": null,
        "msrp_last_updated": null,
        "umrp": null,
        "umrp_last_updated": null,
        "lowes_price": null,
        "lowes_last_updated": "2024-01-03 00:20:24",
        "homedepot_price": null,
        "homedepot_last_updated": "2024-01-03 00:20:24",
        "bestbuy_price": null,
        "bestbuy_last_updated": "2024-01-03 00:20:24",
        "lcp": "0.00"
      "category": {
        "category_id": 12,
        "category_name": "Other",
        "category_slug": "other",
        "category_image": "/assets/detail-category/test.jpg",
        "raw_category_image": "assets/detail-category/test.jpg"
      "subcategory": {
        "subcategory_id": 1,
        "subcategory_name": "Air Conditioners",
        "subcategory_slug": "air-conditioners",
        "subcategory_image": null,
        "raw_subcategory_image": null
      "detail_category": {
        "detail_category_id": 1,
        "detail_category_name": "Window Mount Air Conditioners",
        "detail_category_slug": "window-mount-air-conditioners",
        "detail_category_image": "/assets/detail-category/test.jpg",
        "raw_detail_category_image": "assets/detail-category/test.jpg"
      "product_images": [
          "id": 63412828,
          "url": "/assets/images/SKU99999-63412828.webp",
          "raw_url": "/assets/images/SKU99999-63412828.webp",
          "priority": 0,
          "content_length": "0 kb"
      "product_documents": [
          "id": 61456962,
          "url": "/assets/docs/SKU99999-61456962.pdf",
          "raw_url": "/assets/docs/SKU99999-61456962.pdf",
          "role": "Specification Sheet",
          "priority": 0,
          "content_length": "0 kb"
      "product_video": [],
      "product_feature": [],
      "product_spec": [
          "section": null,
          "category": "Shelves",
          "spec": "2"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Doors",
          "spec": "1"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Height (in.)",
          "spec": "29–3/4"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Voltage",
          "spec": "115/60/1"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Width (in.)",
          "spec": "60–1/4"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Depth (in.)",
          "spec": "32–1/4"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Horse Power",
          "spec": "1/10"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Amps",
          "spec": "1.7"
          "section": null,
          "category": "Weight (lbs.)",
          "spec": "345"
      "product_asset_360": [],
      "color_relation": [],
      "type_relation": [],
      "filter": {
            "field": "Color",
            "value": "Stainless Steel"
              "field": "Type",
              "value": "Rangetop"

        "sort": {
          "Color": {
            "Stainless Steel": {
              "Field": "Color",
              "Value": "Stainless Steel"
          "Installation": {
            "Undercounter": {
              "Field": "Installation",
              "Value": "Undercounter"