The webhook payload for updating status directly. This webhook payload is triggered when there is a change in the status of a product. The status change can vary and includes updates such as "Inactive", "Active", and "Discontinued".

Event Sent

  "type": "product_status_update",
  "action_date": "2024-06-06 11:11:11 UTC-6:00",
  "payload": [
      "id": 14403,
      "sku": "SKU9999",
      "status": "Discontinued"

Payload Details

  • type: Identifies the type of webhook event, in this case, product_status_update.
  • action_date: Timestamp indicating when the status update action was performed, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UTC-X:00.
  • payload: An array containing the details of the product whose status has been updated.
idnumberThe unique identifier of the product.
skustringThe stock keeping unit (SKU) associated with the product.
statusstringThe new status of the product.